


Printing Solutions for Singulated Substrates

The evolution of precision mechanical and optical alignment in state-of-the-art tooling systems

Jens Katschke, ASMPT

Was beschreibt dieses White Paper?

Printing and assembly of pre-separated substrates, originally used in semiconductor production, is a technique rapidly gaining in importance in surface-mount electronics assembly. Unlike working with panelized boards, this approach lets manufacturers ensure that only known "good" substrates come onto the SMT lines. This is important in applications where particularly fine and dense structures lead to relatively frequent defects in the substrates. Miniaturization is steadily increasing the number of such applications in the fields of semiconductor manufacturing, sensor technology and submodule manufacturing.

Singulated tooling systems are needed to print solder paste on single substrates, which are presented together in special carriers, to ensure acceptable yields and maximize the productivity of printers and lines.

This white paper describes the challenges of printing individual substrates simultaneously and describes the different ASM singulated tooling systems created for this purpose. Among these, the latest DEK MASS (Multiple Alignment of Singulated Substrates) tooling system is presented as a next-generation solution that sets new standards for accuracy and repeatability with its superior technology for simultaneous and thus highly efficient optical alignment of multiple substrates.



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